
These presentations have been created in an Intercultural Communication Course by a group of Jagiellonian University English Studies students specializing in applied linguistics. The presentations are based on selected fragments of prof. Jerzy Mikułowski Pomorski’s book Jak narody porozumiewają się ze sobą w komunikacji międzykulturowej i komunikowaniu medialnym [Intercultural communication and media communication between nations] (Kraków: Universitas 2007/2012).


  1. Thanks a lot for your input and these amazing presentations you did! They are engaging, comprehensive and useful. Keep up the good work!!!

  2. The presentation "Intercultural communication" is also very important on the business level nowadays, as business becomes more international.An ideal intercultural communicator must know the norms, customs, values and beliefs of another culture, being able to recognize how these are portrayed through both verbal and nonverbal communication.

  3. Impressive! Thank you, everyone! You did a great job!

  4. I found very interesting the presentation "Culture and Values" by Klaudia Matras and Sylwia Niewczas. I've known types of values, the relationship between culture and communication, the way culture is expressed and so on. I was interested in statement "Communication is culture and culture is communication" and I tried to define for myself what it is. I understood it like in our everyday life culture influences every thought, feeling and action, that's they are interrelated.

  5. Thank you, really great job! What i like the best about the presentation is the information about acculturation.I can say that i experience the same feelings while visiting foreign countries.But what i would like to say, is that i think that acculturation influences every person differently and that not all of the listed stages of acculturation are followed by the person.

  6. It is very useful information.Thank you for your great job!!!

  7. This presentations are made in a very interesting way and contain a lot of useful information. Thank You for Your job, it was very informative!

  8. A lot of different presentations, namely about Intercultural communication, Culture and values, Hofstede's cultural dimensions, the facts of which are really, really usefull nowadays. Thanks a lot)

    Ruslan Hrytsyshyn)))

  9. Roksolana Bilogubka15 April 2013 at 10:29

    I was impressed by all presentations, but I really liked the presentation "Intercultural communication". We can see how important it is to behave appropriately, to show our respect and to avoid misunderstanding and tension while communicating with representatives of different cultures.
    Thank you!!! Great job!!!!))))
